Well, like one month and a half ago, a classmate from AM told me that Bobby Beck wrote on my blog. For some reason, I couldn't notice it by myself.
For those who don't know Bobby, he is the President of AnimationMentor. After working for years in PIXAR Studios, he decided on leaving that job and, along with Shawn Kelly (ILM) and Carlos Baena (PIxar), founded the first online animation school.
He has worked as a character animator in Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Toy Story 2, Dinosaur, Cars, Monster INC, etc. and also has taught on the Academy of Art Institute in San Francisco.
AnimationMentor is a really cool school where teachers get really close to students and this is a good proof of it.
I guess I'll upload some of my work soon so be patience...
Also remember to leave comments so if it happens that you're a celebrity I will dedicate a post just for your comments..
thanks again to Bobby Beck for taking the time to take a look at my work..
and see ya soon..
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